How To Crowdfund Your Braces

Braces can be one of the largest non-emergency medical expense many parents have to pay for their children, and many times children go without braces because their parents cannot afford them. While not all braces are medically necessary, crooked teeth can hurt a child's developing confidence, and overcrowding in the mouth can make it difficult to properly clean the teeth, resulting in cavities. If you think your orthodontist recommends braces and you think you need them, there are many ways to get assistance paying for your braces. You can find an affordable orthodontist at a site like who accepts smaller payments over time or apply for an orthodontic grant. Another way that can help you pay for large medical expenses, including braces, is through crowdfunding. 

What Is Crowdfunding? 

Crowdfunding is usually associated with business startups and art projects. However, it is also used to help people cover large medical expenses they would not be able to afford. It works by asking many people to donate a small, affordable amount, such as $20-$50 to your project. In return, donors usually receive a symbolic token of appreciation, such as an e-card, or regular updates about your progress. 

Selecting a Crowdfunding Site

There are many crowdfunding sites that accept personal or medical projects. When looking for a site, you want to find one that has no fee for collecting money for medical expenses. Additionally, you will want to decide whether you will be able to receive your funds if you do not reach your goal. For example, will your parents be able to pay for half of your braces if you fall short of your entire goal? If they will not, you may want to go with a site that will return donor's money to them if you do not reach your goal. 

You may be tempted to put your project on multiple crowdfunding sites to get more exposure, but this can be seen as dishonest as your donors cannot see how much you have raised to your goal. Instead, stick with one site and work on promoting your project through social media and to your direct family. 

Making Your Pitch 

Once you have chosen a crowdfunding site, you will need to work on your pitch to find funders. Your pitch should include your monetary goal, specifics about what the funders are paying for, and how your project will help the greater community.

For example, you should talk with your orthodontist and include the exact name of the problem braces will be able to correct, the cost of the procedure, and the duration of the procedure. Then, say why you want braces, and why having straighter teeth will help you in your future. Finally, provide some proof that you are worth supporting. For example, if you want straight teeth because you want to be a singer, upload a small sample of your music. If you want straight teeth because you want to be a lawyer, include information about the debate team or mock trial club you are part of. 

Your pitch should be clear and well-written. You should include several pictures or videos supporting your case, and you must have someone edit it before you send it out to family and friends. 

Following Up With Your Funders 

If you are successful getting your braces funded, you should be sure to regularly follow up with your donors. You can create an email list and send regular videos updating your progress. Finally, if you promised any small gift to your funders, such as a picture of you once your treatment is finished, or a video of you singing a particular song or doing a dance, you should be prompt about getting these to your donors. 

There are many ways to pay for braces, and crowdfunding is an interesting and fun way to get your extended family and friends involved if your parents cannot afford your orthodontics on their own. However, talk with your parents and get their permission before you put together your crowdfunding pitch. 
