Mole Removal: Some Options And Precautions

There are a wide array of reasons that you might want to wish to get rid of a mole. For some, moles are simply aesthetic blemishes; eyesores that need to be removed from the body. For others, moles are malignant and indicative of a form of skin cancer. Whatever the reason may be, there are actually a litany of possible ways to get rid of the mole.

Surgery is one possible option. There are, however, numerous surgeries that can be performed on patients that wish to get rid of a mole or several. This brief article will outline a variety of ways in which moles can be removed and under what conditions the surgery should be performed:

Different Surgical Procedures For Different Cases

Based on the severity of the mole, its size, and how deep the mole exists under the skin, you might want to choose to have your mole removed via a surgical procedure.

Removal by excision and stitches is the most common method of surgical mole removal. A doctor will simply apply a local anesthetic to the area in question then remove the mole with a scalpel. This is usually performed on shallow moles or moles in cosmetically sensitive areas such as the face.

Depending on how deep the mole was, stitches are placed deep below the skin or above the skin. If you fall into the latter category, the stitches will demand removal at a later date.

Freezing a mole is another procedure that is often performed by doctors. During this procedure, a mole is essentially frozen; it is placed under a solution that is actually quite similar to dry ice, although the strength of the body can actually handle this concoction. The mole, under the freezing temperatures, will die out. This method can only be used on moles that are simply an aesthetic blemish, as it does not destroy the portion of the mole that exists below the surface of the skin.

Mole Removal Cream

Often advertised as a cheap, non-invasive alternative to surgery, mole removal creams are often an occasionally unsafe, way of removing a mole.

Mole removal creams work by requiring you to scratch the surface of the top of the mole and then apply the topical cream to the scratched area. From the inside out, the topical cream will burn the mole, creating a scabbed wound. In theory, when the scab falls off, it will take the mole with it. The fact of the matter is, however, when these topical creams do "work", they often take off more than the mole.

The skin around the mole is generally removed and often times, a scar forms where the mole formerly resided. Sometimes this scar is even more noticeable than the mole itself. Furthermore, if the mole happens to be cancerous, this will do nothing to remove the mole from the surface of the skin, and thus the cancer will remain. This may actually prove to be detrimental, as doctors may have a difficult time operating around the scar tissue if it ever becomes the case that the lower area of the mole demands to be removed.

Post-Op Care

Post-op care is similar to many other forms of post-op care or wound care. The wound or scar should be regularly dressed, and you should make sure that the area stays free of dirt and grime and should stay clean at all times. Make sure to be careful of how the stitched area is treated after the surgery. You should be careful that the stitches are not removed.

Mole removal can be a difficult and precarious process. Hopefully, this brief article has armed you with the knowledge you need to know regarding surgical mole removal procedures.
