Recovery Tips For After Your Hysterectomy With Pelvic Reconstruction

If you have been having medical issues and need to have a hysterectomy with pelvic reconstruction through a place like the Western Branch Center for Women, then it is important that you know how to take care of yourself in the weeks following your surgery. This type of gynecological surgery is considered to be a major surgery and your body will need many weeks to fully recover. Recovery from this type of surgery is comparable to a cesarean section birth.

To ensure a successful recovery, follow these tips after your hysterectomy with pelvic reconstruction surgery:

Tip: Don't Take a Bath or Go in a Hot Tub Until Your Doctor Says It is Okay

Since your hysterectomy scar can become infected, you should avoid taking a bath or going in a hot tub or swimming pool until it has healed and your doctor has cleared you. Until you can bathe and swim, you will need to take showers and then make sure that you dry your surgical area well.

Tip: Take Stool Softeners to Avoid Becoming Constipated

While you never want to become constipated, constipation is a serious problem when it happens after you have had a hysterectomy. Since you have to strain and put a lot of pressure on your abdominal area when you are constipated and trying to make a bowel movement, this can be very painful and can cause your sutures to tear. For these reasons, you should always take the stool softener that your gynecological surgeon prescribes for you to take after your surgery. 

Tip: Avoid Lifting, Straining, and Exercise Until Cleared by Your Gynecological Surgeon

Since your incision and internal pelvic floor tissues are being held together by sutures while they heal, you should avoid doing any lifting, straining, or exercise until your gynecological surgeon has cleared you to do so. This is very important, because if your incision or internal tissues tear apart, then you could need more surgery to repair the damage and your recovery time will end up taking a lot longer. 

Tip: Call Your Gynecological Surgeon's Office if You Develop Any Complications

Finally, if you develop any complications after you have gone home from your hysterectomy with pelvic reconstruction surgery, then you need to contact your gynecological surgeon as soon as possible. Some of the signs you should watch for include:

  • abdominal bleeding
  • vaginal bleeding
  • fever

In addition, if your pain level is not decreasing as the days pass, then you should talk to your doctor to make sure that there isn't a complication developing.
