Overactive Bladder Services: 3 Things To Jot Down In A Bladder Diary To Reveal Lifestyle Patterns

Overactive bladders can significantly impact your life and prevent you from feeling confident in yourself even when performing normal day-to-day activities. It leads to a strong urgency to urinate and even urinary incontinence at times depending on the person. Unfortunately, this condition is all too familiar for over 30 million American men and women. While treating overactive bladders with either medication, exercise or other forms of treatment, it would do you a lot of good to keep a bladder diary.

3 Reasons To See An Ophthalmologist

If you haven't been to the eye doctor for a long time, you might be wondering if you should go and visit the eye doctor. There are many misconceptions about the eye doctor, so much so that many people don't go often enough because they think that unless they have apparent vision changes, then there is no reason to see the doctor. That is not true. Here are some reasons to see the eye doctor.

Traumatic Brain Injury Can Cause Serious Long-Term Brain Dysfunction But Target-Driven Care Is Now Being Used

When a mechanical outside force strikes a destructive and violent blow to your head, the destruction can seem temporary as symptoms may come and go. Although your brain is covered by a pretty tough and strong skull, the damages from a severe and sometimes penetrating hit to your head has far-reaching consequences that may leave you with devastating brain injuries. One of the most severe brain injuries following a motor vehicle accident is traumatic brain injury (TBI).

4 Things To Think About Before Committing To Breast Augmentation Surgery

Considering an investment in breast augmentation surgery? Taking time to think about what the outcome will mean for your life and what kind of changes you can expect should help make the decision easier. Here are four important things to think about before you commit to breast augmentation surgery: A Change in Wardrobe Because your body shape will change after breast augmentation surgery, chances are that you will have to replace at least part of your wardrobe to accommodate those changes.

Eating Tips For Before And After Physical Therapy

If you need to go through physical therapy for whatever reason, there is a good chance that you want to get better as soon as possible. Your injury is likely keeping you from playing the sports that you love, training at the gym, or just moving around without pain. Your body is going to need to rebuild the muscle that you might have lost as a result of your injury. This means that it is going to need the right fuel to rebuild.